23 Jun 2022

8m experiment (Thursday)

My QRP TX has been on 40.680 MHz USB dial FT8 TX since just after 0800z. Already spotted by HC02 in southern Portugal. 

UPDATE 1121z: 3 spots of my QRP FT8 so far today. Currently QRT as rig cools. Hope to be back on FT8 TX at 1130z.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting to note my ONLY wspr spot yesterday was only achieved using 10watts. Looking at the signal reports, had I been using my usual 1 watt, I would have never been heard. I don’t like running such power on wspr and actually got tvi for the first time in many years. I rarely run such QRO. Back to 1 watt levels now.
    73 ken g4apb
