1 Apr 2022

8m dipole erected

The 8m dipole is erected, so tests can start tomorrow. In the past this would have been trivial work for me. Now it is major work. 

The SWR is good, but the dipole is not at full height as I am wobbly on ladders these days. Hopefully, my son can help over the weekend.

I am told all FT8 activity is on 40.680 MHz USB dial, so I shall QSY there over the weekend.


  1. Hi Roger, I tried a dummy load test to myself using FT8 on 40mhz and this decoded ok but did not show on pskreporter. I noticed there are no other recent spots either, so you may find reports are in short supply until this gets fixed.

    best of luck
    ken G4apb

  2. I've put a station together to monitor FT8 frez on last night and its not showing me on PSKreporter either. But does show G0LRD and G3YMW.

    Maybe the band needs adding into WSJT-X?
