16 Feb 2022

8m Research Licence Crowdfunding

As OFCOM has refused my 8m NoV and instead asked me to apply for an Innovation and Trials Licence costing lots a year. If you are a 5G company with billions this is nothing. For small researchers like me this is stupid. I have trying for crowd funding. If I get enough funding, I shall go ahead.

See https://gofund.me/c0c32843


  1. Can't afford 50 quid what a windbag you are!

  2. I am not asking you to donate anything. If anyone can afford a little (any amount), I shall apply for a licence if I reach £50 total. Like you (anonymous), £50 is a lot.

  3. As I said if I do not reach the amount or I should get over what is needed, it goes straight to charity.

  4. Up to now I have been generous with comments from people hiding behind anonymity. I have just rejected one as SPAM. It this person cares to name himself I will consider printing it. Similar nasty comments will be marked as SPAM in future and not be printed. I can assure people that my interest is purely propagation research and never personal gain.
