8 Nov 2021

Nanny state? - NOT amateur radio

In my life, I have always wished people of every race, colour, gender or religion to be treated equally. It matters not a bit whether you are white, black, pink or green. It matters not to me whether you are married to a person of a different gender or the same. What matters is we are all kind and respectful of each other. Every human is different.

In my view, the pendulum has swung too far. 

We are getting silly about past errors, like slavery and pulling down statues. Yes, we should always teach history in a way that is fair to all and some statues need plaques that show the context in a totally balanced way.  We have become very keen to sue others.

In the past we could wolf whistle and girls took it as a bit of harmless fun. Now we cannot do it as it might be demeaning.  We are terrified of upsetting the lives of non-binary people or the transgendered.

All that is needed is to treat everybody kindly.

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