19 Jul 2021

OFCOM statement

OFCOM has committed to make innovation the heart of UK wireless future. 

I hope this means access to more spectrum for serious radio amateurs interested in real radio science. See the OFCOM website. 

Would not access to some spectrum on a shared, non interference, basis be a good idea?


  1. More access ?

    The vhf and uhf bands are dead.

    Just the odd qso and some dead repeaters.

    Ofcom will just laugh.

  2. Agreed that activity on VHF/UHF is low. BUT this means the risks to OFCOM from those interested in REAL radio science is very low!! For example, spot frequencies and low ERP at 40MHz (8m) and possibly at 73kHz.

  3. If OFCOM "just laugh" it would be a sad day.
