13 May 2021

2m FT8 QRP (Thursday)

At the moment, I am on 2m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. It is now 1004z and I have spotted 3 stations on RX and I have been spotted by 7 stations with the furthermost GI6ATZ (479km) on TX.

See for a local (to Cambridge) 2m FT8 grabber.

Stations spotting my
2m FT8 QRP to1256z today
UPDATE 1228z: 7 stations spotted on RX and 12 stations have spotted me on TX with the furthermost EI2FG (565km).

UPDATE 1256z:  Now my QRP has been spotted by 13 stations.

UPDATE 2040z: Practically all the spots this evening were G stations. This suggests most of the propagation was "flat band tropo" rather than scatter. Now QRT. I wonder if scatter is linked to no rain. Today was pretty wet.

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