23 May 2021

10FT8R proper schematic

With many thanks to Jay W5OLF here is a proper schematic of this little 10m FT8 RX. At one time I had a copy of SPlan so could create schematics properly although I have no idea where it is now! 

I bought the crystal at low cost from 3rd Planet Solar in the USA. They have good stocks and currently are $1.50 each.  I pulled the crystal down to 14.037MHz. If you can find a low cost source of 14.037MHz crystals, the inductor in series with the crystal probably won't be needed.  I needed enough series inductance with the crystal to pull down 3kHz. Moulded chokes are probably fine in this application. I used a toroid inductor just because it was at hand.

Jay is working on a PCB and improvements.

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