2 Mar 2021

IC202 2m SSB/CW

Nostalgia time again....

Way back, I owned an ICOM IC202. This was a 2m SSB/CW VXO controlled rig. The VXO covered 200kHz and behaved like a VFO.  It had a very "military" look. 

Later, it was replaced by the IC202S. Many still use these today to drive microwave transverters. I used mine on 10m with a homebrewed transverter. It worked some impressive DX with 1W pep on 10m SSB with just a low wire dipole antenna.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp/Home/ic202 .

As this is my old website and not maintained, do not follow the links on the left as these are not maintained.

1 comment:

  1. I still have my IC202, even if not much in use.
    I also have the IC402 (70cm) and the IC502 (6m). I should get them up and running for monitoring purposes, with some small omnidirectional antennas, of use them sa back-end for microwave transverters.
    Vy73 de Jan, OZ9QV.
