15 May 2020

6m FT8 overnight and Friday

In the hope that there might be an opening "across the pond" I was on 6m FT8 overnight. Although there is early Es on 6m here (even at 0530z), no transatlantic signals were spotted overnight sadly. I had a funny feeling about last night, but I was wrong!

UPDATE 0740z: There must be far more people receiving 6m FT8 than transmitting. My own signal has been spotted by 23 stations yet I have only spotted 7. This is despite me only using 10W to the V2000 omni vertical antenna!

UPDATE 1200z: With 51 stations spotting me, today has been a decent day so far on 6m Es. At the moment the Es seems to be favouring northern Europe.


  1. There was some trans-Atlantic Es yesterday evening. I was copying 6 metre FT8 stations in Spain and Portugal calling Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Barbados, Trinidad, and mainland USA.

    Keith G0RQQ

  2. I was also aware that stations further south were working transatlantic stations but it did not reach me!
