10 Jan 2020

On 160m FT8 this evening and overnight

This evening and overnight I am on 160m FT8. A recent FT8 CW (10W) was spotted by 41 stations.

On 160m FT8 RX WU1ITU (4831km) was the first stateside station spotted this evening. So far this evening, 317 stations spotted on 160m FT8.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting results, Roger. I have also taken to monitoring 160m FT8 using my 40m end-fed half-wave as an antenna. My results have been similar to yours, EXCEPT for North America where so far I have heard only one station. I did, however, copy the station in South Africa which is quite a distance - I noted that you heard him too the other night which is very impressive for an earth probe antenna!

    Keith G0RQQ
