4 Jan 2020

Chromebooks - NOT amateur radio

It is about 6 weeks since I bought a Chromebook. I am a convert!

What amazes me is that I can do everything it seems I could do on a Windows PC, but this is instantly there - no waiting for Windose to boot up, the battery lasts well over a day on a single charge, and I can use it as a tablet if I want to, not that I have.

It is lightweight, small and perfectly suited to my needs. I do not regret buying it one bit.


  1. It may make a cuppa tea but it won't run Ham software?

    73 Steve

  2. It will run Linux and Playstore apps, so quite a few ham apps WILL run. WSJT-X, for example, will work allowing FT8 and WSPR.

  3. You are certainly cooking on gas then Mr L!

    73 Steve

  4. Way to go, good job getting it all going!!
