10 Oct 2019

Extinction Rebellion - NOT amateur radio

I am not sure what I think about this.

It seems to me to be totally wrong if the UK government is subsidising fossil fuels when we should be doing all we can to persuade people to adopt "carbon neutral" solutions for everything. If we are even to meet carbon neutral by 2050 targets then people really have to change. This is not optional. This means eating less red meat and adopting energy saving methods in all new homes.

At the same time the Extinction Rebellion protests may turn people off. This is a hard one, but I think the duty of government is to encourage habits to change.

Electric cars will be the norm when they are less expensive and ranges better. This alone is not enough. The Prime Minister of the UK is wrong when he labels protesters as "crusties". We are seeing really concerned people of all shades protesting.

1 comment:

  1. There is still some debate about if climate change is due to human activity or if it is just part of a natural cycle.

    Unfortunately debate seems to have been suppressed by those who seek to profit from claiming there is.


    Like so many social media driven campaigns lots of people jump on the bandwagon for whatever reason, without ever bothering to do their own research.

    It's a form of mass hysteria and a desire to virtue signal to others in their tribe.

    The climate models used to predict temperature rises are very badly flawed, I'd suggest reading up on the subject and then make up you own mind.
