7 Jun 2019

Buying a new radio

For some time now, I have been thinking of investing in a new radio. I was really after a real FT817 replacement (not the FT818) with a built-in auto ATU, speech processor and better batteries amongst other things. Sadly no such rig was announced at Dayton, so it is on to plan B.

Several rigs are being considered:
  • FT991A - includes 2m and 70cm, temperature controlled fan, 3:1 internal ATU.
  • IC7300 - probably best radio in price range. Has 4m, but not 2m and 70cm. SDR based. Good ATU inside.
  • FT891 -  small, inexpensive. No 4m, 2m or 70cm. No ATU.
  • FT450D - old radio. Inexpensive. Internal 3:1 ATU. No 4m, 2m, 70cm.
  • IC7100 - recommended by friend. Remote head if need be.
In the UK Elecraft radios are expensive once things like the internal ATU are added. These are good.

All new Yaesu transceivers have a 3 year warranty and some models have a cash-back deal. At the moment I am leaning towards the FT991A, although there are some reports of poor TX phase noise. As I shall be operating QRP mainly, I have no idea if this is better at lower power.

1 comment:

  1. Have you looked at the Xiegu radios, in particular the X5105? 160 - 6m, runs a full 5 watts from a high capacity internal battery, has a built-in ATU, and you can even plot the antenna VSWR on its LCD screen! The firmware is upgradeable as new features become available e.g. CW reader.

    Keith G0RQQ
