11 Apr 2019

Return to 10m FT8

A few minutes ago I returned to 10m FT8, calling CQ (2.5W) initially, then RX only. No spots!

UPDATE 1157z: 9 stations in 6 EU countries spotted so far today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1437z: 10m FT8 RX springs back to life! So far today, 53 stations spotted including 3 South Americans . There was also a 6W (Senegal) that did not get uploaded to PSKreporter. Certainly the best day here this year already.

UPDATE 1619z: Now 57 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX. 10m seems to be returning to life. The photo shows the stations spotted so far today on 10m FT8 RX (to 1619z). Not sure if the South Americans are F2 or F2+Es. There was reasonable Es in the right direction at the time.


  1. Hi Roger

    This is what I heard today 11th April 2019...https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/2019/04/opening-to-south-america-africa-on-28.html

    Looking at your map, I wonder if you have a notch in your 10m antenna to the South? You seem to hear a lot of the South American stations very well but the ones from South Africa seem to be missing. Maybe it was just propagation?

  2. Yes, the notch is entirely possible John. Today was my best day here for a long while. I really should work to improve my 10m antenna. Trouble is, these days I depend on others! Years ago I could have built and erected my Homebase-10 antenna myself (see my website), but these days I am just too wobbly.
