9 Mar 2019

Returning summer migrants - NOT amateur radio

Slowly, the summer bird migrants are returning. Already in Devon there are wheatears, sand martins and swallows. At first just the odd one, whereas by mid April, many will be commonplace once again.


  1. It's nice to come across another birdwatching Radio Amateur!

  2. You would call me a fair weather bird watcher! I always check when the first swallows and swifts arrive here and enjoy what I see, but am far from a real keen birdwatcher. Thanks for your link.

  3. OK Roger, understood. I missed my call off it's G4HZW and I think you pick up my 10M FT8 signal from time to time. I run 50W to a 4 ele beam from Cheshire.

  4. Yes, I copy you on 10m FT8 quite often.
