1 Mar 2019

BREXIT - NOT amateur radio

It is true that I have mixed feelings about BREXIT, the UK's departure from the EU at the end of the month (maybe).

There is no doubt being in the EU is good for trade. Also, the EU exports more to the UK than we export to the EU. There is little doubt in my mind that the EU is bureaucratic. The EU will miss our money in the pot. There is a danger the EU will fall apart.

Nonetheless, I voted "remain" in the referendum. It was a close thing though. What appalled me was the information on both sides leading up to the referendum and the time it has taken to not reach an agreement that suits the EU and the UK.  Personally, I think the UK and the EU have made a right "dog's dinner"  of the negotiations.  The EU is scared of the UK being better off outside the club and the UK Prime Minister is afraid of fragmenting her party.

Personally I have little time for President Trump and I had little time for Mrs Thatcher, but I bet both would have given Mr Junker a run for his money.

The UK wants to leave the EU honourably.  It seems, to me at least, that the EU is running scared and wants to punish the UK for having the audacity to leave. What would have been far far better would have been for the UK to have had a loose link with the EU, but still be master of its own fate.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah we heard all her crap!: Turn if you want, the Lady is not for turning. I quite like being called an Iron lady. She never liked Europe full stop, hence we must of lost loads of contracts through her own selfish insolence.

    Look where all it has got us all that worked in industry.. Down the creak without a paddle.

    We are a laughing stock in this country and the Tories have made us so.

    73 Steve
