14 Mar 2019

70cm FT8

As a further experiment, I am calling CQ on 70cm FT8 on 432.174MHz vertical (2.5W). I am not too hopeful, but you never know.

UPDATE 1308z: After being RX only, as we were out, I have returned to 70cm FT8 calling CQ (2.5W vertical on 432.174 USB dial). No spots on TX or RX as yet.

UPDATE 1420z: Now RX only vertical on 70cm FT8. No spots, despite over an hour calling CQ.

UPDATE 1457z: I am going to give up on 70cm FT8. I have been on most of the day and called CQ twice for long periods, yet I received no spots and have received no others either. All in all, a complete waste of effort.

1 comment:

  1. Given the distances I have gotten on 2 meter making a contact with you should not be completely impossible (given interesting propagation). We could do a scheduled contact. See my contact info via my PE4KH qrz page.
