28 Nov 2018

Straight to 472kHz WSPR

As HF conditions don't look promising, I decided to head to 472kHz WSPR early today. I have been on the band for just over 30 minutes. Time is 1111z.

So far a couple of stations spotting me : G8LCO (58km) and G0VQH (15km). No stations spotted on RX here - they must all be working!
Stations spotting me so far on 472kHz WSPR (at 1122z)
UPDATE 1540z: Just these 2 stations spotting me all day. I suspect these are unattended RX which are checked when the owners get home from work. No spots of others to this point. It rather suggests that trying 472kHz WSPR in the daytime is not worth bothering with. It will be interesting to see when the first station is spotted here. PA3ABK is usually a good bet. It is already starting to get darker here and it will already be dark in The Netherlands.