16 Oct 2018

ICOM IC202 and IC202S

Probably few will recall these QRP portables. They were made by ICOM and followed in the footsteps of the Liner-2.

They had a very good VXO covering a decent part of the SSB band on 2m. Similar rigs were made for 70cm, and, I think, 6m, although I am unsure about this. I expect someone will tell me! (see below)

As you can tell, these had a very "military" look. Mine was mainly used at home, although some impressive 2m SSB DX was worked portable with just the whip antenna.

The quiet VXO made these rigs popular for IFs in EME rigs. I owned an IC202 and used it with a transverter on 10m too. Much DX was worked on QRP SSB.

UPDATE 1535z: Well, Bas (see comment) has pointed out the 6m version was the IC-502.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/ic202


  1. Search for Icom IC-502. You'll find pictures, videos, articles. 73, Bas

  2. Thank you Bas! I had a feeling there was a 6m version, but was not sure.

  3. I have got the FM 2m version somewhere.

    73 Steve

  4. I have the 6m, 2m and the 70cm versions somewhere. I may see if I can get some use of them with a modern "VFO" like the SI53xx synthesisers.
    73 de Jan
