10 Oct 2018

Gay cake - NOT amateur radio

I am pretty liberal in matters gay and transsexual. At work one day someone who was a man came to work as a woman. As I recall no-one batted an eyelid. It just did not matter. What was important was this person was happy. Quite a few of my friends just happen to be gay. Again, it just does not matter as long as they are happy.

So, perhaps you will be surprised to learn that I am pleased that a bakery in Northern Ireland has won its appeal about baking a gay cake. In my view, this shop and any business is free to abide by morals it feels are right. We may not agree with these morals, but this is right for them. You may not agree!

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-45789759

1 comment:

  1. Eating only birthday cake and Xmas cake once a year, no chance taking me through the courts :-)

    73 Steve
