3 Aug 2018

BOTs? - NOT amateur radio

Visitor numbers to one of my other blogs suddenly shot up. Guess what, this coincided with a great increase in visits from Russia. Now, the Russians could suddenly have taken a great interest in one of my other blogs, but numbers up by five times? Suspicious.

It is some time since those with malicious intent have taken an interest in this blog. I keep a pretty close eye on all my blogs and change passwords often. If anything does slip through that looks like bots or irrelevant rubbish, it gets deleted.

Moral - my blogs are a waste of time for BOTs and those after free adverts.

Go away.


  1. Russian Hackers are probing EVERYWHERE these days!
    Layne AE1N

  2. I frequently see steep visitor increases to my blog - invariably down to Russian 'interest'.
    I didn't realise how popular Morris dancing, walking, amateur radio etc was behind what is rapidly becoming another iron curtain.
