1 Jul 2018

My early recording!

Way back in about 1965 a friend, Francis Wood, and I made a record. As I recall it was me saying, "Mary had a little lamb". Very profound!  We used the lid of an old coffee jar, a big horn and a needle. It involved shouting very loudly!

Whilst looking for something else, I came across it earlier today. Of course, these days I have nothing to play it as all my record decks went long ago. My son has a deck, so I could ask him sometime.

It was with Francis that we made some early experiments with optical communications. OC171s with paint scraped off. Memories.

1 comment:

  1. Norman Field (Also a Ham too) has made cut his own 78's and has a stack of stuff on his Youtube site about the subject.

    He is a a very interesting fellow to follow.


    73 Steve
