30 Apr 2018

Irish VHF spectrum - big allocations

From John's blog comes news of huge chunks of VHF spectrum being made available to EI amateurs. In my view, this is very enlightened.
I guess it would be too much to expect OFCOM to do similar, even with a very low ERP limit and stations operating on a "strictly no interference to primary users" basis. Of course, this would involve OFCOM staff thinking, so no, no, no.  Silly me for even suggesting this! Personally even 100mW at 40MHz would do me. With FT8 or WSPR we could do some serious radio science.

See https://ei7gl.blogspot.co.uk/2018/04/irish-radio-amateurs-gain-access-to.html


  1. That would be a very interesting block 30-39MHz.

    Roll on I say let's have portion allocated in the UK.

    73 Steve

  2. 30 to 49, isn't that where military radio comms used to be?

    Lucky devils getting all that new space to play in and 54 to 69 too!!
