2 Apr 2018


Probably the best commercial radio available to radio amateurs currently is the IC7300. However, its price is still set by market forces: it could still be profitable at a much lower selling price.

Whether prices drop depends on many factors, but there is no doubt that the price is what it is largely because people are still prepared to buy at this price. If the dealers can still make a killing why would they reduce prices? Also, currently there is no real competition.

See https://icomuk.co.uk/IC-7300/Amateur_Radio_Ham_Base_Stations


  1. Roger, I'm puzzled by your argument. You say that the IC7300 is probably the best radio available but then you say that it's over priced. Compared to what?
    Don't forget that the R&D has to be paid for and clearly Icom has done that work and spent that money to good effect.
    Peter, vk2tpm (Happy IC7300 owner)

  2. Peter - I don't doubt the IC7300 is a good radio, but here in the UK it is "market priced". If you notice ALL dealers are selling at much the same price as this is the price they can get because we still buy at this price. If you look most are offering some sort of bargain (such as a free dust cover) to try to win the punters in to THEIR deal. The architecture is simple on RX compared with a superhet and I suspect all development costs have been recovered by now. In my view they could sell for WAY below £1000 UK and still make profits at ICOM and the dealers. On exchange rate alone they could drop the price by 10% or more.

    Overpriced compared with what? The FT891 sells in the UK at £589.95 (MLS). OK this is NOT the SAME radio but is the IC7300 REALLY £500 more??

    No, get what you can whilst you can seems to be the motto.

  3. Thanks Roger. I do think the IC7300 is worth £500 more than an FT891. Anyway, I enjoy your blog but let's agree to disagree on this one. I hope you like you're 891. I love my 7300.

  4. Peter - just to be clear I do NOT have an FT891. I am just puzzled why this is so much less than the IC7300. Yes, I know most who own the IC7300 like it! I don't doubt the IC7300 is a good radio.
