6 Mar 2018

Spies - NOT amateur radio

In the last day it looks like an ex-spy was poisoned in Salisbury, UK. Russia is suspected, but this is not proven.

What is certain is that Russia, the UK and the USA will all have "dirty tricks" departments, but we only hear about Russia. The spying business is definitely there, although governments would prefer us not to know.

We are fed a diet of filtered news: we hear what they want us to hear. I well remember Vietnam when the Vietcong was considered evil. With the perspective of history we know the USA and the government in the south were far from perfect. Political bias has always been there since the dawn of humanity.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43303651 .


  1. Espionage.

    The game of spying.

    He who reads my blog and copies it your blog :-)

    I do have the odd one pop in from Russia, maybe Mr Putin is a fan :-)

    73 Steve

  2. "We are fed a diet of filtered news: we hear what they want us to hear."


    If Corbyn and McDonald get in power you can expect Pravda and no press freedom.
    Millennials did not grow up during the cold war or the IRA atrocities.

    Whatever happened to critical thinking? It's an inconvenient skillset in a predominately politically socialist educational establishment. Look at what is happening elsewhere such as Canada.
