14 Aug 2017

Southgate News and BBC Local AM radio

Southgate News reports that a number of BBC Local Radio stations are to go QRT on medium wave early next year. Personally I find this sad.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2017/august/bbc-to-switch-off-am-local-radio-transmitters.htm#.WZIFPbpFzIV

1 comment:

  1. Personally I find it sad that the BBC seems to have adopted a despotic nature and appears to continue where Pravda left off. The current BBC is not the BBC of old. They seem to hate the UK and their "news" reports and political programs are edited by the hard left. This can only further the calls to privatise the BBC but it is unlikely to happen. We may not share their views but the brainwashing will continue until we do.
