20 Jul 2016

Storms force QRT

Well, having cut my lawn, it decided to rain, with hail and thunder. The worse seems to have moved east but it forced me to turn off all rigs, the PC and disconnect all antennas.
UPDATE 1900z: Since the storm passed,humidity levels have really dropped and it is a lovely, sunny, pleasant evening now. I shall go back on the air tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. So far the storms seem to have missed us in Birmingham, always best to go QRT when you are operating in beacon mode.
    I borrowed an EC10 from the college were I worked as a lab tech years ago, and left it connected to a 6 foot bonded steel tube which was my SWL antena. There was a lightening Strike100 meters from my QHT, this took out the front end of the EC10. Fortunately it was the RF amp transistor an OC171, replacing it with another OC171 from my junk box got it working again with improved gain.
    Lucky me!

