10 Jul 2016

Paraguay on 10m WSPR - F2 at last

10m WSPR this evening
ZP4KFX (10277km) in Paraguay has copied my 500mW 10m WSPR this evening several times. I assume this is F2 although it could be Es and F2.
UPDATE 1758z: So far, he has copied me 8 times and as strong as -15dB S/N.

UPDATE 1844z:  So far, ZP4KFX (10277km) has spotted me 23 times on 10m WSPR at up to -8dB S/N. We almost have a pipe!


  1. I suspect it is more likely Es as there is presently widespread EU (including G and GW) to the Caribbean on 50mHz via Es... Just a tiny bit further to ZP and probably much easier on 28mHz. It would be great if we could actually see RF and know how it gets from place to place!

    Steve VE7SL 73

  2. Thanks Steve. I think this may have been Es plus equatorial spread-F. Paraguay is a LOT further down in S.America. I agree, we'll never know what mode it was!
