31 Mar 2016

Over 1000km on 472kHz TX (5mW ERP)

It's funny, but I had a feeling that last night was going to be "the night". LA8AV (1035km) managed to decode me on 472kHz WSPR in the early hours at 0020z. This is the best TX DX on 472kHz this season and I was pleased, yet again, to break the 1000km barrier. As before, I am still using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.  I find the results incredible. Only 1.5 hours later the PC decided to close, presumably to install updates. On RX, I am using the same earth-electrodes with the barefoot (and slightly deaf) FT817, with no preamp externally.
630m WSPR last night - note LA8AV (1035km) at 0020z

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