20 Sept 2015

GB3VHF off?

Although I can copy beacons in Holland and Belgium on 2m and GB3LEU NW of Leicester (432.490MHz) on 70cms with my 2m big-wheel antenna, GB3VHF in Kent (144.430MHz) was absent when I looked earlier this afternoon (around 1340z). Maybe it is off for maintenance or they plan to co-site the new UHF beacon? Anyway, the big-wheel is great. Beacons are great for checking propagation when there are no active stations about.

Anyone know about GB3VHF please?


  1. Hi Roger,

    GB3VHF is indeed off the Air. Due to Antenna changes for the instalation of GB3UHF.


    73 Colin - G6AVK

  2. Thank you Colin. The new GB3UHF beacon should be useful.

  3. Your welcome Roger...

    Beacons on 70cms are scarce these days so it will indeed prove useful.

    73 Colin

  4. http://www.gb3vhf.co.uk/GB3VHFservicenewsannouncements.html
    Nice beacon,shame about the website :-(
