6 Jun 2015

Icom IC703

One of the best rigs I once owned was the 10W Icom IC703. This was a well equipped QRP radio with a decent receiver, DSP and auto ATU. I sold it to a local amateur who was a poor pensioner but I regret selling it now! No fan needed at 10W.  Just a first class rig.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/ic703 .


  1. I always fancied one, but have finally gotten an 817nd instead. Maybe one day but will first be looking out for another FT-7/b as I regret selling mine even though it needed professional help in the audio department. Like you say Roger it had a fantastic sounding receiver,twas a joy to listen to!

    As for the 817 I personally dislike the audio from the tiny built in speaker, so have it running through some amplified computer speakers, just qives it more bass which I prefer.

    Simon. M3HXE.

  2. Simon, I tend to use an external LS with the FT817. It is a LOT of radio in a small package. It has given me lots of fun. The FT7 was a better radio, but much bigger and far fewer bands.
