20 Mar 2015

Solar eclipse non-event here

As there was quite thick cloud here, the partial solar eclipse was a bit of a non-event here, although it was better elsewhere in the UK. I did a walk at the best time. Although the clouds were dark and it looked like it was about to rain, the sun was not visible here sadly. This was a partial eclipse but at 95-98% in the UK still pretty full. I remember the full eclipse in 1999 as we were on holiday in Gloucestershire and got good views. The next chance is in 2026.

I have no idea of the impact of this on propagation, but I imagine the effect is marginal.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-31965456 .


  1. Hi Roger,

    I monitored the eclipse on VLF, plotting the amplitudes for DHO38 (23.4 kHz, Germany) and NRK (37.5 kHz, Iceland). I could see significant fluctuations in signal strength on both of them.

    73, Robert
