At 1000z this morning I exchanged RST 579 reports with G6ALB who is 3km from me on my 40m Pixie on 7.023MHz CW. This was my first on-air QSO. Netting was perfect and I used the rig directly into my low Par triband antenna. An ATU might have helped. Andrew G6ALB said the channel was pretty busy but that I was a good RST579 with no hint of chirp. This afternoon we'll put the rig on his spectrum analyser. I gave Andrew 579 probably reflecting the poorer MDS of the Pixie. I have no idea of his power or antenna.
My initial goals have been met: I built the kit and have managed a QSO on the air with it. With the fatigue associated with my brain bleed still very apparent (I am well and truly shattered currently), I was well pleased. A few more QSOs with the 40m Pixie would be good, HI.
$10 well spent. Excellent little kit. FB little transceiver. Works surprisingly well.
Fantastic Roger. May you have many more enjoyable qso's with the pixie. The RX/tx offset certainly helps with those type of rigs.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to try a QSO tomorrow morning I should be around from 11 onwards. May be pushing it a bit but if conditions are with us you never know?
De Andy
OK Andy, I'll try to be on in the Monday 1100-1130z time period on 7.023MHz. If not you maybe I'll work someone else!