17 Mar 2015


Not quite sure why I bother as I usually get no spots (TX or RX) but I am again WSPRing on 6m. TX 20% 30dBm ERP vertical and 80% RX on 50.293MHz USB dial setting.

At this time of the year, outside the Es season, the most likely propagation is tropo and aircraft assistance up to about 200km. I am not expecting Es or F2 propagation on 6m.

UPDATE 1654z:   So far, not a single spot given or received all day on 6m. Outside the Es season 6m has proved useless here with 1W ERP from my V2000 vertical.  I shall stick around longer today (ever hopeful!) but I probably won't bother with 6m again for several weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Roger,
    there is sporadic E:
