17 Feb 2015


Landwade was the site of my first "over the horizon" optical tests. The tests were successful, but predate my stroke by some time. I remember well being surprised at the reception when "on beam".

We go here each year about this time for a delightful walk of about 1.5km calling at the small private church (locked these days). The church is surrounded by seas of snowdrops and aconites at this time of year. Landwade is very quiet at all times. It is in Suffolk but was in Cambridgeshire until 1994. It has been occupied since Roman times, but consists of a few farms, a hall and the odd cottage these days.

I have updated one of my other blogs.
See http://eachurches.blogspot.co.uk/ .


  1. Roger. Thank you for passing on your discovery of Landwade. I took advantage of today's beautiful weather and made the short walk from the lodge at the SE end up to, and beyond, the little church. (I was briefly puzzled baffled by the electric gate...) I've never seen such a display of snowdrops an aconites. And such a peaceful quintessentially British place. It quite took my mind off getting WSP and WSJT going with HDR anda new HF rig :)


    Philip G3YAC
