As the DX spots seem to have vanished on 10m WSPR for a couple of hours now and nothing has been seen on 6m WSPR since lunch, I shall go QRT quite soon on both bands.
I'll give them both a couple of hours though just in case, so I'll turn off WSPR at 2100z most probably, unless either band shows signs of life.
UPDATE 2015z: G6AVK (78km) reappeared on 6m at 1930z. We have again exchanged WSPR spots. No other stations seen on the band though. Some GDX out to about 200km should be "spotable" with tropo or aircraft reflection.
UPDATE 2110z: Now QRT on all bands.
10m closed early today. Last spot of my 1W here from WB4LHD at 15:32 (7342km). 73, Bas