3 Jul 2014

6m - 4X1RF - even more WSPR spots!

So far today, up to 1718z, 4X1RF (3519km) has spotted my 1W ERP no less than 8 times today. He has spotted me on many other days already - this is no "sporadic" reception: it happens time and time again.  I find it quite remarkable that my QRP is so well, and consistently, being reported on a VHF band from such a distance. The experts tell me it is Es, but how many hops?

4X1RF 6m spots today to 1718z.

1 comment:

  1. The experts tell me it is Es, but how many hops?

    Actually the 3519km is almost a perfect 'double-hop' for Es Roger....always exciting but not too common out in VE7 land this season unfortunately.

    Steve VE7SL 73
