30 May 2014

6m GDX and Es on WSPR today

Several examples of 6m GDX today so far: G8JNJ/A (184km) spotted my 1W ERP at -25dB S/N with no Doppler evident at 0850z and G3WKW (134km) was spotted with 4Hz Doppler at 1006z, presumably with the aid of aircraft reflection.  At 1032z G4VXE (136km) spotted me at -23dB S/N without apparent Doppler. So far, no Es noticed here, but it is early yet.

Sunspot count is "only" 55 ( this will be considered marvelous in 1 years' time!) and 20-30MHz propagation "normal", so F-layer DX is questionable on 10m.  Of course, on 6m and 10m Es does not really get impacted by sunspots (I think) so both 10m and 6m could open Europe-wide later, possibly much further by multi-hop Es.

UPDATE 1256z:   6m spots also received from G4BRK (134km) and M0ZRQ (102km) around 1200-1248z. Still no Es yet today here. It has been a significant day for 6m GDX today with 5 different stations in the range 100-184km either spotting my 1W ERP or being spotted by me. Wonderful stuff this WSPR!

UPDATE 1725z:   CN8LI (2113km) just spotted my 1W ERP for first 6m Es here today at 1722z.

UPDATE 1935z:   A spot of CN8LI at 1748z and M0EMM (192km) for the best GDX spot of the day at 1908z. Today has been excellent for GDX. Doppler on M0EMM was 2Hz so probably helped by aircraft reflection.

UPDATE 2100z:   A late Es opening to France  at 2048z. F6HTL(831km) spotted me at -22dB S/N.

6m uniques today on WSPR


  1. Very interesting, Roger - you were coming through very nicely a little earlier. Not seeing so much from you now as a little more local activity.

    More doppler now too - I wonder if this is because the North American flight path really gets into its stride around lunchtime!

    I did get spotted by CN8LI a bit earlier - and did see his signal too. As you say - no huge amount of Es yet.

    73, Tim G4VXE

  2. Thanks Tim. Good to exchange 6m spots with you - a decent GDX distance.

  3. CN8LI seems to copy people very well. An odd distance for Es too at 2113km to here. Must be double hop? He seems to copy me well too, although not (yet) today.

  4. CN8LI does hear well! I was watching what he was spotting yesterday (writing this Sat am) and it was almost a radius of around 2000km or so, north of him.

    2100k is quite short for double hop, but you never know! It might be a function of activity, but you'd almost expect to hear F/EA stations on the first hop, if it were a double.

    My guess is that it was a long single hop - that path to the south, does go well, even when the MUF isn't so high.

    These are all guesses, of course!

    Tim G4VXE
