1 May 2014

10m - all N-S so far today

No signs (yet anyway) of North American stations. PY4AJ  and FR1GZ are there, along with others, but all these are N-S rather than E-W paths. I suspect this is going to be the pattern in the months ahead with fewer openings across the N.Atlantic. Summer time we will get a few E-W openings on 10m and 6m by multi-hop Es too.

The path to 4X1RF seems to be regularly open. This is a single hop by F-layer.

UPDATE 1800z:  IK1WVQ has been consistent in the last hour. I assume the propagation is Es.  IZ6QZB is spotting me.

UPDATE 1902z:   EA5CYA being spotted. Es.

UPDATE 2050z:    M0MVB (30km) the only station exchanging spots with in last hour. Has the 10m band died out for today?  No, then I spot EA5CYA again!

UPDATE 2110z:  After resetting the clock and restarting the WSPR software (yes, it had stopped) I see that EA5CYA running 200mW WSPR  is still a decent signal. This must be Es.


  1. I'm quite liking the really good N-S openings on 10m of late. It makes QSO with S American stations easy pickings. I just now exchanged with PY1VW on JT65. He's storming in at -9 dB SNR, which on this mode is a fine signal.

  2. Thanks Dave.

    10m should be OK for N-S propagation right through the next minimum, especially with modes like JT65 and WSPR. Worked LU several times in last minimum with 10W SSB.

  3. David , have you tried JT9? Far more stations fitted in and same TC/RX times.

  4. Yes, I prefer JT9 although sometimes the JT65 segment will be filled with stations but with nothing on JT9. I usually use 1W - 5W only on these modes. I had 10W today (I wanted to make sure, since I don't see many PYs in my log!), but theoretically I could have got away with a couple of 100mW this evening.

  5. FB David. Every success to you in the (quieter) years ahead.
