22 Mar 2014

Longer low Marconi - not too good on 474.2kHz

Overnight with my 5mW ERP on 474.2kHz reached 3 Dutch stations, 1 Belgian and one English. This is a low number so I conclude the longer low Marconi is NOT a good antenna configuration for 474.2kHz.


  1. Good to see you reached the other side of the North Sea :-) 73 Ron pa2rf

  2. It should have done better Ron, I suspect the top wire is too close to plants with rising sap.

  3. Hi Roger,

    It is the length of the vertical portion of the Marconi that is determining the ERP. The horizontal top wire is only providing additional capacitance. My Marconi-T is 8 meters high and has 20 meters horizontal wire. It is about 25 dB down compared to a full-size quarterwave vertical.

    73, Robert

  4. Agreed Robert. I need a bigger (taller) Marconi to get the best from
    my MF/LF work.
