8 Feb 2014


Walking at Anglesey Abbey today
My recovery from my stroke continues to frustrate me: although walking and swallow continue to improve, I have a feeling of sickness and nausea nearly all the time I am awake. Also I continue to be very clumsy when it comes to building.  Putting screws back in the FT817 case after fitting the TCXO-9 was a nightmare. I dread to think how I'd get on with any substantial building project.  For now, most of my experiments are with the kit and antennas already in place.

Any day now I am expecting the DVLA to tell me I cannot drive for 12 months. Luckily I applied for, and got, a blue disabled badge which means we can park nearer to the entrances at National Trust  places and supermarkets when shopping.


  1. You're doing well Roger, it'll take time. I had a bad accident and know your frustration, your body won't rush though. Stay positive, it'll come.

  2. Hello Roger, every one near you, is glad to have you around. Enjoy the fine things of life, such as your family and of course most of all, the grand children. Enjoy and take your time. Good luck in recovering. 73, Bert

  3. Thanks Bert. I enjoy my family and their unconditional love. Recovery is steady. Walking much better.

  4. Its great to know you are here, the enjoyment of the family and hobby continues!

    73 G1KQH

  5. Hello Roger,
    I'm very happy to see you again. Maybe you feel like that because of the medical treatment. Look Spring is nearly to come. I'm sure you will enjoy it and improve :)
