22 Feb 2014

2nd FT817 and a Z817 auto-tuner

 After a lot of consideration, this week I purchased a second FT817 (this time an FT817ND) as well as the LDG Z817 auto-tuner. One thing  to bear in mind is the Z817 is no longer supplied with a 0.5m long coaxial RF patch lead. It comes with the CAT cable only.
Current operating position with 2 x FT817s and a Z817 auto-ATU
My FT817ND has been widebanded so it covers 5MHz and I went on that band for the first time today and was spotted on WSPR in Holland with 1W to a totally non-resonant antenna matched with the Z817.

I must say from a QRP base station point of view the Z817 is a neater, and much cheaper, ATU solution. It matches the Par 10/20/40 end-fed on most bands and seems to do as good a job as the Elecraft T1, which I need to repair as it is intermittent.

The second FT817 means I can WSPR on one band and operate on another band at the same time. As I  have just bought the OLD version, you can be sure now that Yaesu will showcase a NEW version of the FT817 next month! Martin Lynch and Sons were very easy to deal with and thoroughly helpful suppliers. I can recommend them.

No stateside DX on 10m today but just exchanged spots with CX2ABP at 11127km on 10m with the new kit.

1 comment:

  1. Good idea Roger

    Gives you access to 5 MHz and you can still do your
    Your experiments and have a a Rag chew on other bands. 5 MHz seems to be a very good rag chew band.
    VMARS have a AM net on 5.315MHz

    Tony G4LLW
