2 Mar 2013

VLF earth-mode mystery deepens

This afternoon I did a larger coverage test with 5W  8.977kHz earth-mode, driving in several directions locally in the car with the roof mag-mounted E-field probe RX antenna and with a PC in the car monitoring the signal. I drove for several kilometres in different directions recording where the signal could, and could not, be copied. The best reception distance with the E-field probe was 3.2km.

The map shows the results. Yellow shows where I drove and red shows where there was signal present and recorded on Spectran. I have recordings of the whole trip which I will more carefully analyse later.
5W 8.977kHz earth-mode coverage using EFP RX antenna
The interesting thing is that the signal could be copied in 4 local villages (Burwell, Reach, Exning and Swaffham Prior) but there was almost zero coverage once outside of these villages. This is NOT the case when looking with a magnetic loop RX antenna, where the signal can be copied more extensively in the rural areas at even greater distances.

It would appear that the E-field signal needs to be strong above ground to be copied with the EFP and this only happens where there are buildings i.e. in the villages. It suggests I'm detecting the signal from cables or pipes in houses.In more rural areas the signal is weaker above ground and not detected, at least not with 5W TX.

1 comment:

  1. interesting Roger

    I was thinking the same about the signal being picked up from house wiring.

