18 Sept 2012

Japan Ham Fair 2012


The recent Japanese ham fair in Tokyo showcased the latest products about to hit the market in the coming months. Included was the IC-7100 all-mode, all band (including 4m) 100W mobile. What was not there was the long awaited FT-817 replacement.  A product I have not seen mentioned yet is the Yaesu FTM-400D digital VHF/UHF radio. I don't think this is a D-star radio, so what form of digital modulation does it use? Is this a Japan only product?


  1. Frankly, I am not expecting a replacement for the FT-817 any time soon. It is selling well again after the long production delay. The Yahoo FT-817 users site is active with new owners. Plus, the several new QRP rigs on the market have taken up quite a bit of the market.

    My thoughts, though I could be wrong.

  2. I think the failure to bring out a replacement for the FT-817 is a huge lost opportunity for Yaesu. Even if the old design is still selling well, I suspect that Elecraft would not have sold quite as many KX3s if Yaesu had come out with a new model. There were thousands of FT-817 owners just waiting for a replacement.

  3. Yaesu is using a modified version of its C4FM digital mode.
