6 Oct 2011

A VHF/UHF DX mode waiting to be discovered?

There is some indication that the long Europe to Japan path on 50MHz in the summer months is due to Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes, or PMSE for short. Echoes of 224MHz radar in Norway suggest strong reflections, so I wonder why more radio amateurs are not trying for 2m DX using these mesospheric clouds?

See http://www.eiscat.se/raw/pmse.html. It is very likely these clouds and noctilucent clouds are the same phenomenon.


  1. Hi Roger, I like 6, 2 meter and 70 cm, I like to work with JT65 or psk31 also on those bands but there is nobody there. I do hear JT6M on 6m, that's all. Why do they stick to FM, SSB and CW? 73 Paul

  2. Very interesting, Roger.

    Many years ago when we used to do VHF expeditions around the UK - mostly for meteor scatter activity we found that we could work well equipped stations in the north of Sweden pretty much all the time on 144MHz. We thought at the time it was some sort of ionoscatter. But I'd not be surprised if it was this mode of propagation...

    Very interesting! Thank you.

    Tim, G4VXE
