28 Jul 2011

IC7000 versus FT450D?

As a keen QRPer I'm usually quite happy with 5W (sometimes 10W) but I'm considering upgrading my IC703 to a newer radio as it is now many years since I've done so.  My main (non-LF/VLF) interest remains 10m and 6m although I quite fancy doing more on 2m and 70cm SSB. With HF conditions unlikely to be great in the coming years (even with cycle 24 peaking soon) maybe a little more power would be useful at times. Also, improved filtering and DSP functionality could be helpful as the HF bands get noisier.

The favourites on my shortlist are either an FT450D or an IC7000 as www.eham.net reviews give both radios good scores and these are feature-rich small radios.  The IC7000 is quite a bit more expensive but adds 2m and 70cms.  I'm wondering if readers can make any recommendations please based on personal experience? The other option is to wait another 6-9 months until the Elecraft KX3 appears.

Finally, in the UK, what is the best deal on these radios? I want a supplier who is likely to be around in 3 years time, a long warranty and the best price!


  1. Your best bet is to see what the likes of Martin lynch,
    See what Walters & Stanton,Nevada have to offer.
    I think they will be around for some years to come.
    I can understand your concern with smaller and family
    run dealers packing up due to retirement and ill health.
    I have not paid much attention to the latest rigs due to lack of QSK. Due to lack of QSK homebrewing is the only option here, building stuff with components obtained from scrap PCB's .I am doing HAM radio on Zero QSK
    All the best with your sourcing of a new rig.


  2. The XYL decides at this QTH when she says
    why do you need a new rig and what does it do that the old one doesent do.

  3. How about a rig that goes up to 23cm.

  4. Hi
    I have just upgraded from the original FT450 to the FT450D - basically the same animal but with added CW filtering, and it looks nicer, and sooo much cheaper than the IC7K which was also on my radar - BUT there have been past issues with the IC 7K - I had no problems with my 450 and like you sometimes felt the need for "Just that little extra power" I think the receiver is better than the old version, but it does not match my TS590 which has such a low noise floor.
    Buy One.

  5. For anyone interested I'n buying one see the following


  6. I hate how Icom rips you off with every little "option" you have to buy; options which are really necessary in the first place to use the rig for anything other than the simplest of communications.

    The FT-450D doesn't do this to you. It is full featured out of the box and far cheaper than the Icom.

    On the down side however, the tuner in the FT-450D is a let down unless you've got fairly well matched antennas to begin with. Forget using a random wire and such with the tuner in the FT-450D.

    The LDG AT600 auto tuner works with the FT-450D. I heard somewhere that LDG was going to release a tuner specifically for the FT-450D soon, if not already.

    There's a very active FT-450D Yahoo Group. Head on over there and take a look around. You'll get a good idea about the strengths and weaknesses of the radio.

    You might want to try buying it in the U.S. and shipping it to the UK, especially in a a little while after the U.S. Dollar collapses since it looks like the corrupt U.S. Government is about to finally succeed with bankrupting the country.

    73's David WB4ONA

  7. I can see you are a budding keen VHF operator, and can say that the IC7k performs very well. one of the things I liked after it was opened up, is the TV-Tuner covers VHF I have in the past recieved good TV pictures on the 7000 and broadcast radio on the 70MHz band via Sp-E and no the 7000 will not TX on 4m but it does recieve there.
    I never had any problems with the radio and found the dsp worked very well to dig out very weak cw beacons.
    I found it easy to interface to a pc for weaksignal data comms.

    All in all i was pleased with the performance of the 7K and would recommend you get one.P.S this is a personal preference and not based on a comparison the the yaesu radio.
    HTH 73 Mark.

  8. Thank you for the feedback so far everyone. I am no nearer a decision yet though.

  9. I have the old FT450 and I like the radio. I can only compare with radios I have owned. Better than the FT897 but not as good as the TS570.

    I like the extra controls on the front panel and find it a lot easier to use than the FT897 where you are often playing hunt the menu. Mind you the FT897 is a very good /P radio.

    One thing with the FT450 that can be a problem is the wide roofing filter as it suffers from adjacent channel AGC pumping.

    I use the 450 with transverters for 4m and 2m and have no problems.
    (The big display is a godsend!)

    Regards Peter G8JVW
