4 Jun 2011

Amateur VLF transmissions this week

G3XIZ as received at 45km 4.6.11
Both Marcus DF6NM and Chris G3XIZ have been active on VLF this last few days. G3XIZ was a good signal on 8.976662kHz with his improved antenna and DF6NM has been copied in Yorkshire by Paul Nicholson. Although QRN can be a problem at this time of the year there is still activity. The screen shot here shows G3XIZ's VLF signal with me today.


  1. Hello Roger

    How much erp is there from the g3XIZ setup.
    Great blog keep it up

    Tony G4LLW

  2. Tony, some months ago I calculated G3XIZ's VLF ERP at around 2-6uW. Since then he has improved it a little so maybe as much as 10uW.
