26 May 2011

The Elecraft KX3 Ultra-portable multimode QRP rig

There is much excitement about the latest product from Elecraft, the KX3. This was announced at Dayton and it looks like a marvellous addition to the Elecraft range. See http://www.elecraft.com .


  1. Hi Roger, sure it looks good. It's a kit I presume. Nice present for Christmas. ;-) 73 Paul

  2. Hello Roger !

    Could it be possible to you to put a list of the current CW beacons available on 500 kHz ?

    Thank you !

  3. Il like the paddles that plug into the rig, this looks like a winner from Electaft . Anyone know if there is a UK distributor and a price for it in kit and ready built.

    Tony G4LlW
