25 May 2011

10m Sporadic-E and BIG signals

As an example of just how strong signals can be on 10m with strong Es conditions take the reports this afternoon from DJ0ABR. With 500mW to my halo he was giving me a WSPR report of +7dB S/N. This suggests I'd still be OK with just 500uW from the transmitter. I know others have achieve far better than this but it does remind you that a big sporadic-E "cloud" acts as a very good mirror.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Roger,
    There was also some BIG signals on 6m both on SSB and PSK31, I have been in my element with my FT-817ND and 10watts. Been playing with JT65 and WSPR also, had some very interesting results. I've got to get around to doing my BLOG a little more, especially now Ubuntu 11.04 and Fedora 15 have been released. Will look for you on one of the bands and modes.....
