24 Jan 2011

4m transverter

It is almost certain now that my next project will be a 5W transverter for 4m. This is a band I have never used under my own call and for which I have no gear yet. The design should be straightforward transverting to 10m with the FT817 as the driver. I have started a 4m QRP transverter page on my website to track progress of this build.


  1. Oh well done Rodger. I'm not too far away near Peterborough so look forward to hearing & working you you on 4m. You may be able to access the "Parrot" (MB7FM) a store and forward simplex voice repeater on 70.437.5 MHz. Also, lots of info on 70Mhz.org.

    73 De G8JGO

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. One thing on my mind was where to get a 42MHz crystal for the conversion from 70-28MHz, but it looks like Spectrum Communications in Dorset sell these for £4. I will order one (or two).

  4. Hello Roger

    I have a SEM four metre coverter and a couple
    of scanners that cover Four Meters.
    I connected a Texscan tunable bandpass filter (5vf55, 55-110MHZ) a head of an Alinco DJ-X3 and peaked it at 70MHZ and was amazed what I could hear with my outside dipole at 10 feet high.
    I have a completed spectrum transmit coverter I could get
    up and running on four,and a Melstock transmitter that
    that needs to be built up.
    A transverter would be be a better option,and a simple design would be available parts would be great.
    Have any design ideas yet such as ultilising a SBl-1 or
    NE612 mixers?

    Kind Regards


  5. 42MHz crystals are on their way from Tony at Spectrum Communications, so the RX converter/LO build can start within days.

  6. This sounds like a fantastic project. All of the other avenues I have considered for becoming active on 4 metres have one or more disadvantages, too expensive, not multimode, not full band coverage, etc. I'm looking forward to the next installment. Are you going to post an initial schematic?

